Q: With the end of your business operations, what about the after-sales service?

A: We would like to inform you that our after-sales service will be provided until the expiration of the warranty periods for all recently sold equipment. We are committed to providing you with the necessary support during this time. However, once the one-year warranty has expired, we regret to inform you that we will no longer be able to handle new after-sales services. Indeed, our company has now ceased its operations. We thank you for your understanding and for the trust you have placed in us over the years.

Q: Do I need a phone carrier or plan to use an illusion with my phone?
A: No, you don’t need a phone carrier to use our products with a phone or tablet. You don’t even need a phone number because it uses a Bluetooth signal created independently to connect to the illusion you purchase. As a result, the phone acts just as a receiver, nothing more. But, of course you can use your current phone with whatever plan you have chosen.

Q: Which Android watch should I buy?
A: It must be an Android WEAR watch. The Android phone or tablet must have a minimum of Bluetooth 4.0 and a minimum Android operating system version 6. After this, it is really a matter of taste. The watches available depend on from which country you are ordering.
Take a look for yourself. Scroll to the bottom of the page on the following link to see which are available where you live:

The watches function virtually identically. You can buy a round or rectangular face watch. The round watch face will have a rectangular screen. Only the extreme corners of the writing area will be eliminated. It is highly unlikely your spectator will write anything in this minuscule space.

Q: Psychic Miniboard, Mediumboard or Maxiboard: which one is best for me?
A: This is a matter of personal style and where you are performing. Due to its tiny size, the Miniboard is small enough to fit in your jacket or shirt pocket and lends itself easily to street or impromptu magic. Just plug-n-play.
A smaller venue will be served well by a medium Psychic Chalkboard or Whiteboard. While larger audiences will benefit from the maxi size. Due to the overall dimension, the Maxiboard performs best on an easel and not in the hands of a spectator.

Q: Psychic Chalkboard vs Whiteboard: which one is best for me?
A: This is mostly a matter of taste. Keep in mind the overall design of your show and your character. The Psychic Chalkboard is designed to quickly patinate for a vintage effect. It also will not create a glare in flash photography, under lights or on television.

The Psychic Whiteboard is a more contemporary-looking product and does not leave chalk residue on your hands.

Q: Do you charge for your apps?
A: Yes, we do charge a manageable fee for our apps to limit the visibility of curious consumers who have not purchased one of our products. The cost of watch apps is a direct result of how much we invested in their programming.